Lexus ES manuals

Lexus ES: Steps to take in an emergency

Lexus ES (XZ10) Owner's Manual / When trouble arises / Steps to take in an emergency


 If your vehicle needs to be towed

If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by your Lexus dealer or commercial towing service, using a wheel-lift type truck or flatbed truck. Use a safety chain system for a

 If a warning light turns on or a warning buzzer sounds

Calmly perform the following actions if any of the warning lights comes on or flashes. If a light comes on or flashes, but then goes off, this does not necessarily indicate a malfunction in the

 If a warning message is displayed

The multi-information display shows warnings of system malfunctions, incorrectly performed operations, and messages that indicate a need for maintenance. When a message is shown, perform the corr


 Restraints Occupant Classification System Module Communication Stop Mode

DESCRIPTION Detection Item Symptom Trouble Area Restraints Occupant Classification System Module Communication Stop Mode Any of the following conditions are met: Communication stop for "Occupant Detection" is indicated on the "Communication Bus Check" screen of the Techstream. Click

 Test Mode Procedure

TEST MODE PROCEDURE TEST MODE PROCEDURE NOTICE: After replacing the absorber control ECU, it is necessary to perform registration of vehicle identification information. Vehicle identification information is automatically acquired when the system enters test mode. HINT: When entering test mode, th

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